Two of the biggest names in Reggae, brothers Gramps and Peetah Morgan of Morgan Heritage are said to be planning on coming to Kenya in October for various projects related to the famine relief efforts.
They also hope to travel to Northern Kenya where they will help with distribution of the various supplies.
The two, who are part of the band formed in 1994 by five children of reggae artist Denroy Morgan, will also be taking part in benefit concert in Dallas TX next month organised by Uhuru Clothing, one of the biggest Kenyan fashion brands based in the US.
The concert dubbed "Give Africa hope" has been organised in conjunction with the greater African Dallas Community and Music Orchestrating Miracles.
Thomas Mwicigi, Uhuru Clothing's founder says: "The concert will help raise awareness and money for our starving brothers and sisters which will be by far the biggest reggae benefit concert in the USA."
"Morgan Heritage have enjoyed tremendous support from Kenyans and have agreed to work with us at Uhuru Clothing to help with the famine relief efforts in Kenya and the entire horn of Africa region, in an effort to give back to a country that has shown them so much love."
The event is scheduled in Dallas TX for 23rd and 24th September and tickets are available online at $20 Advance http://giveafricahope.eventbrite.com/
Uhuru Clothing has also designed a "give AFRICA hope" tshirt and will give all the profits to the Kenyans4kenyan initiative. You can buy them at www.uhuruclothing.bigcartel.com.