News just in indicates that top officials of
Wiper Democratic Movement have dissociated themselves from the looming CORD
petition, saying the just concluded elections were credible, free and fair.
Wiper politicians led by
former MP Philip Kaloki and Gideon Ndambuki have dissociated themselves from
CORD petition against Uhuru saying they ready to work with the new government.
In a press conference held
at Ole Sereni Hotel in Nairobi on Wednesday, the Wiper leaders, who are close
allies of Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka, requested their CORD partners to drop
their petition since they don’t have watertight evidence.
Ndambuki and Kaloki said
CORD leaders should concede defeat since if there is a run-off, Jubilee Coalition
will still win the election.
In other news, rumour has
it that Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka had a long telephone conversation with President
–elect Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto on Tuesday, over the
possibility of forming a united government.