a series of claims that Kenya’s top PASTORS are fleecing unsuspecting Kenyans
with fake miracles, the DAILY POST undertook a thorough investigation to
unearth the truth.
team of investigators set out to unfold the most hidden details of these shepherds
who mislead their sheep for their personal gain as prophet Isaiah narrated in
the Holy book.
“His watchmen are blind,
they are all without knowledge; they are all dogs without tongues, unable to
make a sound; stretched out dreaming, loving sleep. 11 Yes, the dogs are forever
looking for food; while these, the keepers of the sheep, are without wisdom:
they have all gone after their pleasure, every one looking for profit; they are
all the same. 12 Come, they say, I will
get wine, and we will take strong drink in full measure; and tomorrow will be
like today, full of pleasure” Isaiah 56:10-12
We are going to reveal the
top ten rogue pastors in the country
1. Pastor James Ng’ang’a: Pastor James Ng’ang’aof Neno Evangelism Ministry
tops the list of Pastors with very questionable characters. Recently he married
a school girl to be his third wife. Despite of his weary characteristics, the
Pastor still commands a huge following. He performs “miracles” at a price with the
minimum miracle costing, Sh 3,000. He drives top of range cars courtesy of his
church coffers and he is a regular visitor of “the red light” district in
2. Pastor Michael Njoroge: Nicknamed pastor tapeli (con pastor) of Fire
Ministries. Recently made major headlines for his association with a local
prostitute whom she paid to fake a miracle and “sort her out”. He is a regular
visitor of strip club located in river road Nairobi. He drives top of the range
cars courtesy of his gullible followers.
3. Pastor Alan Kiuna: Pastor Allan Kiuna of Jubilee Christian Centre
(JCC) also appears in the list. It is alleged that the Kiunas have turned the
house of worship to a public air market where all sorts of business raging from
prostitution to pyramids schemes is carried at their behest. He hires youths
with very polished English to attract faithful.
4. Pastor Muriithi and his wife: Pastor Muriithi of House of Grace church also
makes to the list of shame. Though details of the pastor remain sketchy, a
deacon of the church told the DAILY POST that the pastors perform miracles at a
price and his wife who is also a pastor spends church offerings in high end
salons and cosmetics shop in the city. She spends Sh 40,000 a day on salon and
5. Bishop Margaret Wanjiru: She is the proprietor of Jesus is Alive Ministry,
Starehe MP and Assistant Minister. Known for her tough stance towards men, she
was recently involved in housing scandal where it was alleged she was allocated
dozens of houses illegally. She lives large courtesy of her church coffers. She
performs miracles at a price.
6. Pius Muiru. He is Pastor of Maximum Miracle Centre, a
polygamous man with countless clandestine lovers. In 2007, he ran for Presidency
courtesy of his fat wallet but managed less than 400o votes. He is also known
to have appetite for small girls from his church choir. He also performs
miracles at a price.
7. Maina Njenga: The former Mungiki leader is the founder of
Hope International Ministries Church in Kasarani. Though he claims to profess
the word of God, he still partakes the Mungiki paraphernalia inside the church.
He also commands a fanatical following.
Pastor Wahome: He is the proprietor of Helicopter of God
Ministries Church which is located within the City Centre. He is a polygamous
man with a strong affinity for married women. Recently he was in a divorce
tussle with his former wife claiming for upkeep of his four children he
9 .Wilfred Lai: He is the Senior Pastor of Jesus Celebration
Centre in Mombasa; he has been accused of grabbing parcels of land in Mombasa town and its outskirts.
Source:The Kenya DAILY POST