But Tuju's campaign team spokeswoman Judy Munyinyi rejected the allegations.
The website, reputed for hard-hitting scoops, reported that Tuju is pleading with police not to detain mercy but police insist that he should negotiate with the complainant to withdraw the accusations. "The allegations are false," Munyinyi told the Jackal News.
This is a culmination of a “Love Triangle” involving the Tuju, a former policeman, a private detective and a woman who is a friend of Mercy. Drama started when Mercy’s female friend introduced the former police officer to her “so as to get re-instated to the police force,” according to sources.
After a few meetings, the two blossomed a passionate affair and were regularly meeting in a hotel in Nairobi’s South C residential estate. As the affair progressed, Tuju was informed about it and immediately hired a private detective who returned with explicit photos confirming his paymaster’s worst fears.
Irked, Tuju confronted the wife and demanded answers about the affair, resulting to an exchange of words. Annoyed, Mercy began searching to establish the person who had set her up. Her main suspect was the female friend who had introduced her the former policeman. According to a narrative pieced up by the private investigator, Mercy hired goons who went after her friend.
“They stabbed her at Bomb Blast Area and kidnapped her…,” police investigators said separately but consistently during interviews conducted by this website. The kidnapped woman was then taken to a house in Hurlingham residential estate and after four days there, one of the kidnappers developed cold feet, rushed to the police and reported the incident in exchange for immunity from prosecution should police decide to file charges.
Police stormed the house, rescued the woman and arrested the kidnappers. They have all recorded statements. The rescued lady was then taken to the Nairobi Women’s Hospital, Adam Arcade Branch, where she was treated.
Meanwhile, Tuju was then summoned and informed about the incident. He was also told that wife would be arrested to answer to the charges as evidence was clear-cut against her.
In that meeting with Nairobi Provincial Criminal Investigations Officer (PCIO) Peter Muinde present two weeks ago, Tuju was categorical, “ Kila mtu aubebe msalaba wake” (Loosely translated as) to “let everyone carry their own cross”
Police then decide to arrest her on February 20, 2012, on seeing a potential link to politics, Tujupleaded for more time. For a week, there was no progress, until February 28, 2012, when he headed to police headquarters to plead for assistance to settle the case away from public limelight.
Senior police officers reminded him of his previous position on the matter, to which he pleaded ignorance. At that point, police told him curtly: “The only path to ending this case is by talking and agreeing with complainant, no other way.”
By the time we posted this story, there were no further developments on the case that might upset Tuju’s presidential ambitions.